Prof. Leszek Roszkowski Appointed Deputy Chair of APPEC General Assembly
Prof. Leszek Roszkowski, Head of Astrocent, has recently been elected Deputy Chair of the General Assembly of APPEC...
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Prof. Leszek Roszkowski, Head of Astrocent, has recently been elected Deputy Chair of the General Assembly of APPEC...
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With the launch of the Teaming for Excellence flagship project on 1 January 2025, Astrocent is embarking on an intensive recruitment drive!
As our Centre of Excellence is expanding, we have ambitious goals to recruit approximately 100 research staff (scientists, engineers, PhD and MSc students) and build a highly functional administrative team to support groundbreaking scientific activities.
Please visit our website regularly to find out more!
A new chapter for Astrocent is about to begin! Following the official signing of the Grant Agreement with the European Commission for the Teaming for Excellence project, Astrocent representatives were invited to Brussels to participate in two key events marking the launch of new initiatives.
On 27–28 November 2024, Leszek Roszkowski, Head of Astrocent, and Marta Borowiec, Project Manager, visited Brussels to participate in informational and networking events organized by the European Commission.
On the final day of July, the NCBR office hosted the “Teaming for Excellence” conference, bringing together 7 beneficiaries of the program.
Head of AstroCeNT, Prof. Leszek Roszkowski, outlined the vision for evolving the Astrocent International Research Agenda into a new independent Center for Particle Astrophysics in Poland.
Astrocent — Particle Astrophysics Science and Technology Centre is proud to announce that it has been awarded a grant...
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In April 2024, the Government of Canada pledged $45.5 million over five years to the Arthur B. McDonald Canadian...
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At the end of December 2023 the first stage of the AstroCeNT venture came to its end. It is time to sum it up.
Last week on 11 March, AstroCeNT hosted a high-level French delegation led by Mr Aurélien Lechevallier, Director General for Globalization at the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and Prof. Jean-Luc Schneider, the Scientific and University Cooperation Attaché of the French Embassy in Poland. Prof. Rafał Moderski, Director of CAMK PAN and Professor Antoine Kouchner, Vice-president for International Affairs at Université Paris Cité and Deputy Director of the APC laboratory also came to greet the French delegation.
On 20 December 2023, the annual meeting of AstroCeNT and its strategic partner, the Astroparticle and Cosmology (APC)...
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We are all exploring the hidden universe…
This film is the emblematic representation of the project “AstroCeNT: Particle Astrophysics Science and Technology Centre”, modern centre of Particle Astrophysics created in Warsaw in 2018. The film tells the general public an scientific community about the successes that have been achieved during the existence of the project (5 years on the day the film was created), as well as about the bright horizons that the future has in store for us.
On the 28-29th of June 2023, in Warsaw, the General Assembly of APPEC (Astroparticle Physics European Consortium) convened its...
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27 June 2023 – The hosting agreement was signed in Luxembourg for the acquisition and operation of a quantum...
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On the 29th of June, Professor Leszek Roszkowski, Head of AstroCeNT, met...
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On February 22, we had the honor of hosting two Nobel laureates in physics, Arthur McDonald and Barry Barish, who gave captivating public lectures “Exploring the Hidden Universe” at AstroCeNT. Now, we are delighted to present to you the recorded sessions of these lectures. Whether you were unable to attend on the lecture day or simply wish to relive the captivating moments, we invite you to join us in this extraordinary journey through the cosmos.
In May 2023, ASTRONET, a consortium of European funding agencies and research organisations, presented a new report to transform our understanding of the Universe in the next decade. The ASTRONET Strategic Plan for European Astronomy (Science Vision and Infrastructure Roadmap 2022-2035) is the latest comprehensive roadmap produced by the ASTRONET network of European funding agencies communities and research organisations. ASTRONET is an independent consortium whose aim is to create a common science vision for all European astronomy by convening diverse groups to describe the challenges facing some of the biggest questions in science.
AstroCeNT group leader Prof. Tomasz Bulik is Polish representative in Astronet (as a member of the Polish Astronomical Society).
As part of the Ministry of Education and Science program “Support for the participation of Polish scientific teams in international research infrastructure projects”, the Hyper-Kamiokande consortium has received funding of over 67 million PLN to participate in the construction of the Hyper-Kamiokande radiation detector in Japan. The Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center (NCAC) is one of nine Polish members of the Hyper-Kamiokande consortium.
On the 22nd of February, after the public talks by the two Nobel Laureates in Physics organized by AstroCeNT, a reception for the distinguished guests was held at the Embassy of Canada to Poland in Warsaw. The event was dedicated to the cooperation of our countries in the field of research on dark matter (the Global Argon Dark Matter Collaboration), gravitational waves (LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA collaboration) and neutrinos (Hyper-Kamiokande) and was attended by Polish and foreign diplomats, representatives of Polish educational and scientific institutions, Polish scientists and guests from abroad.
During the reception at the Canadian Embassy the importance of international cooperation in promoting scientific research and understanding of the Universe was emphasized. By bringing together experts from different countries and fields, the event provided a space to exchange ideas and forge new partnerships.a
On the 22-23th of February 2023 AstroCeNT team had the honor of hosting two Nobel laureates in physics, Prof. Arthur B. McDonald (Canada) and Prof. Barry C. Barish (USA). The reason for their visit to Poland was the World Copernican Congress, which officially opened in Toruń on the 19th of February 2023, on the 550th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus, an icon of Polish and world science.
On the occasion of the Nobel laureates’ visit, a large-scale event was organized by AstroCeNT. The public talks entitled “Exploring the Hidden Universe” by Prof. McDonald and Prof. Barish were a resounding success and attracted more than 250 listeners.
Last Sunday in Toruń, during the World Copernican Congress, the culmination of the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus...
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We are pleased to announce that on 22nd February 2023, Nobel Prize winners in Physics, Professor Art McDonald and Professor Barry Barish, will be visiting the AstroCeNT and will be giving public talks.
Professor Art McDonald was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2015 for his groundbreaking work in the field of neutrino physics. Professor Barry Barish was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017 for his work in the field of gravitational waves.
The event is open to the public and we encourage everyone interested in astrophysics, physics and science in general to attend.
We are happy to announce that the Director of AstroCeNT, Prof. Leszek Roszkowski, has become a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA).
EASA is one of the most prestigious scientific and artistic organizations in Europe. Established in 1990, EASA aims to promote progress in scientific and artistic activities in the spirit of freedom and the search for truth. Its over 2,000 members are scientists, people of culture, art and religion, including 34 Nobel Prize winners and the late Pope Benedict XVI. Among its members from Poland are Prof. Jerzy Buzek, Prof. Michal Kleiber, Prof. Krzysztof Penderecki, Prof. Henryk Skarżyński, Prof. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki and Prof. Andrzej Zoll.
Just before the holidays we received a wonderful gift – promotional video from the LIDINE conference held in Warsaw on 21-23 September 2022.
The conference was organised by the AstroCeNT / NCAC with the support of the DarkWave project and under the patronage of The National Centre for Research and Development.
We wrote about the conference events in more detail earlier. And now we invite you to see how it was…
In early December 2022, an AstroCeNT delegation (group leaders, postdocs, PhD students and administration) traveled to Paris to attend the annual meeting with the Laboratoire Astroparticule & Cosmologie, a scientific partner of the AstroCeNT.
For the past two years, meetings of the two institutions have been held remotely due to Сovid-19 restrictions. This year we managed to get together in large numbers and meet in person.
During the meeting, 15 reports on the progress of the working groups and ongoing projects were presented.
Travel of our scientists to Paris was supported by DarkWave and COPIN grants.
We have all been deeply saddened by the death of Stavros Katsanevas last Sunday, 27 November 2022.
Personally, Stavros was an exceptionally nice and positively thinking person, very bright and open-minded, with a very wide spectrum of interests, not only in particle astrophysics, but also in science in general, and beyond, in art, society, philosophy, and even theology. He was a visionary for the field, tirelessly driven by passion for research, until the end.
This summer AstroCeNT is celebrating its fourth anniversary. To sum up our achievements, on 23 June an annual meeting of the International Scientific Committee was held.
While most ISC members participated remotely via zoom, we had the pleasure to host at AstroCeNT Prof. Antoine Kouchner, Director of APC (Paris, France), Prof. Sotiris Loucatos, former Deputy Director of APC, as well as Prof. Rafał Moderski, Director for Science of NCAC PAS. Two representatives of the Foundation for Polish Science, Kinga Słomińska and Dr Karolina Pakos-Żebrucka, also joined the ISC via zoom.
On the 1st of June 2022 AstroCeNT was visited by Dr Tomasz Rzymkowski, Vice Minister of Education and Science. The purpose of the visit of our distinguished guests was twofold: to learn more about the field of particle astrophysics, including the research done at AstroCeNT, and to meet with an initiative group to build in Poland an underground laboratory.
The Vice Minister showed much interest in the initiative and encouraged the group to produce a report with more information about possible sites and about the role that the Polish underground laboratory could play in Polish science and economy, both locally and an international level.
The seismic sensors group (led by Prof. Tomasz Bulik) activities revolve mainly around the gravitational waves theme of the Astrocent project. A detection of gravitational waves in 2015 was a great achievement and led to the opening of gravitational wave astronomy. The advancement of this new branch of particle astrophysics hinges on development and improvement of detectors. The quality of the data is related to monitoring and compensating for a variety of sources of noise. The seismic noise, apart from shaking the test masses in the interferometers, is also a source of the Newtonian – or gravity gradient – noise. This type of noise is due to fluctuations of the local gravity by seismic or sound waves in the medium surrounding the detector.
One key physics goal is to use dedicated systems of SiPMs to look for the elusive dark matter in the Universe. In order to achieve extreme sensitivity of detectors, its components themselves must not generate any background that could potentially obscure the signal from dark matter. Another important physics goal is the search for so-called Majorana neutrinos. A similar detection technology enables us to look for this potential feature of neutrinos, which could shed lights on the reasons for why our Universe is mostly made up of matter and not antimatter.
The Particle Astrophysics research group deals primarily with a wide range of physics questions, both theory and experiment. In line with the general agenda of Astrocent, the main areas of research are:
– dark matter;
– gravitational waves.
To date, four postdoc researchers are working in this group under the guidance of Professor Leszek Roszkowski.
On 21-29 November, Dr Masayuki Wada, Dr Masato Kimura, and Dr Azam Zabihi visited the Italian island of Sardinia. Their scientific trip was connected with the ARIA project.
ARIA is a scientific laboratory for distillation of Argon-40, an isotope fundamental for use the medium in dark matter detectors. The project is realized thanks to the collaboration between INFN, National Institute of Nuclear Physics and Regione Sardegna.
In the recently published paper in Physical Review D, the FASER experimental collaboration has announced the observation of the...
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One good thing about the year 2020 is that from midnight tonight, it will belong to the past, and for well-known reasons, many people will not be sorry to see the end of it. This was certainly a difficult and challenging time both globally and also locally where we live and work.
At the same time, I believe that, amid the turmoil of the pandemic, with all its uncertainty, at least during its initial stage, lockdowns, mental exhaustion, perhaps some zoom fatigue, adapting to working from home, etc, that certainly affected so many of us in so many aspects of our lives, we at Astrocent actually managed to survive it all relatively well. I find this very encouraging.
AstroCeNT — the ultra-modern Particle Astrophysics Science and Technology Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences — was established in Warsaw in 2018. Currently, under the leadership of Prof. Leszek Roszkowski the Centre implements its research program, attracting scientists from all over the world. Dr. Marcin Kuźniak joined the team in 2019 as the leader of the group that is working on the improvement of silicon photomultipliers — technology extremely important for both science and industry. Marcin told us about his path to astrophysics, 10-years’ experience in Canada and return to Poland, as well as about the projects developed by AstroCeNT.
On the physics side, research at AstroCeNT is primarily focused on studies of gravitational waves and dark matter, as well as on related topics of astronomy, particle cosmology and particle physics. On the technological side, our prime objective is to specialise in R&D on ultra-sensitive instruments for low background and low count rate particle astrophysics experiments, primarily, but not exclusively, in dark matter searches and gravitational waves.
Wathela Alhassan, AstroCeNT PhD student, received an award from SSVI (Sterren Schitteren Voor Iedereen (Stars Shine For...
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The sources of the gravitational wave signals recorded during O3a cover a wide range of astrophysical parameters. Among them there are phenomena consistent with three types of collisions: two black holes (BBH), two neutron stars (BNS) and mixed systems composed of a neutron star and a black hole (NSBH).
PROBES – the project to be implemented by AstroCeNT at Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish...
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The Einstein Telescope will enable scientists to detect any coalescence of two intermediate-mass black holes in the entire universe and thus contribute to the understanding of its evolution. This will shed new light on the Dark Universe and will clarify the roles of dark energy and dark matter in the structure of the universe.
Two groups in AstroCeNT: the Seismic Sensors group led by prof Bulik, and the Electronics and Data Acquisition and...
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Professor Leszek Roszkowski, the director of AstroCeNT, leads an international team of experts to prepare a report on the...
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A new ventilator model for COVID-19 patients, Mechanical Ventilator Milano (MVM), which is now entering mass...
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In response to urgent need for affordable and mass-produced novel ventilator to use as medical equipment for COVID-19 patients,...
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If you want to learn more about the dark matter mystery and see how
scientists are working to resolve it,...
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AstroCeNT invites ambitious students to apply for funded internships to take part in our...
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During these difficult times AstroCeNT's team moved its activities almost entirely on-line. The spirits are high. Weekly on-line meetings...
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On Friday 21 February 2020 three high-level officials from CNRS visited AstroCeNT. With annual budget of over 3.2 billion...
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Astrocent has recently joined KM3Net. On 11 February the Institutional Board of KM3NeT approved our bid to be granted...
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The ceremony of handing nominations to the newly elected members of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Our country is being represented by CAMK PAN/NCAC PAS, with Professor Leszek Roszkowski serving as a representative...
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At the fourth edition of the Intelligent Development Forum, the economic event dedicated to new technologies, innovations, inventions...
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Professor Arias Reyes from Chile has arrived at AstroCeNT with a prestigious NAWA scholarship.
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AstroCeNT is becoming an international spot where big science and new technologies meet, revealing an exciting future...
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Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, will pay a visit to the...
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In the weekly Polityka (No. 25, 18-25.06.2019)...
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A special session devoted to AstroCeNT was held on the second day of the 4th biennial...
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4th biennial conference of Particle Astrophysics in Poland
The 4th biennial conference of...
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A 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics, Prof. Art McDonald will visit Astrocent. Our distinguished guest will...
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A 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics, Prof. Art McDonald will visit Astrocent. Our distinguished guest will...
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Professor Stavros Katsanevas, the director of the European Gravitational Organization (EGO), based in Pisa, Italy, is coming...
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Professor Stavros Katsanevas, the director of the European Gravitational Organization (EGO), based in Pisa, Italy, is coming...
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The director of SNOLAB, Dr. Nigel Smith is going to visit Astrocent in late May. He...
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The director of SNOLAB, Dr. Nigel Smith is going to visit Astrocent in late May. He...
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The Managing Director of the McDonald Institute (Arthur B. McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute), Fouad...
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The president of INFN (Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Professor Ferroni is going to visit Astrocent in...
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The president of INFN (Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Professor Ferroni is going to visit Astrocent in...
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