Celebrating a New Era of Scientific Excellence: Astrocent Plus Takes Stage

Celebrating a New Era of Scientific Excellence: Astrocent Plus Takes Stage

On 19 February 2025 the Copernicus Science Centre (Centrum Nauki Kopernik) in Poland provided the venue for innovation and collaboration by hosting the official launch ceremony for three  projects funded by the Horizon Europe under the Teaming for Excellence action:
– Astrocent Plus – Particle Astrophysics Science and Technology Centre (Astrocent Plus), coordinated by the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center PAS,
– Centre of Excellence for Precise Phenotyping and BioDataBanking (P4Health), coordinated by the Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development,
– Translational Research and Innovation in Ophthalmology Vision – Centre of Excellence (TRIO-VI CoE), coordinated by the International Centre for Translational Eye Research, Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS.
Held on Polish Science Day and attended by 180 guests, the event marked the start of new research initiatives designed to advance scientific discovery and foster societal engagement.

High-Profile Representatives in Attendance

The event was honored by the presence of distinguished guests from government, regional authorities, and diplomatic circles. Notable representatives included:
– Prof. Andrzej Szeptycki – Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education,
– Prof. Marek Konarzewski – President of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
– Dr Katarzyna Smyk, Head of the European Commission Delegation in Poland,
– Dr Ales Fiala, Head of Widening Participation Unit at the European Research Executive Agency,
– Prof. Maciej Żylicz, President of the Board of the Foundation for Polish Science,
– Mr Łukasz Kasprzak represented the Marshal’s Office of Lower Silesia.
We are also grateful for the presence of:
– Prof. Jean-Luc Schneider, Attaché for Science and University Cooperation of the Embassy of France,
– Ms Małgorzata Kiełmińska, Science & Innovation Attaché of the Embassy of the United Kingdom,
– the Project Officers of the three Teaming for Excellence projects: Mr Fernando-Wyttenbach, Mr Irimie Doru-Leonard and Mrs Galeazzi Emanuela,
– the directors of departments of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, directors or high-level representatives of funding agencies,
– the chair of the Polish Physical Society,
– the representatives of the international consortium partners of the Teaming for Excellence projects.
Their participation underscored the collective commitment to scientific excellence and the importance of robust international and regional cooperation.

A Glimpse of the Day

Throughout the day, guests heard inspiring presentations and keynote insights that set the stage for a future where science and society work hand in hand. A keynote speech by Prof. Cristiano Galbiati was particularly illuminating and provided valuable insights into the journey of scientific discovery.
International scientific partners — members of the three winning consortiums — shared overviews of their institutions and outlined their collaborative plans under the Teaming for Excellence initiative. Complementing these presentations, a dynamic poster session showcased the projects’ highlights.
A dedicated photo gallery now captures the vibrant atmosphere and unforgettable moments of the event.

Looking Forward

The kick-off ceremony marked not only the official start of three projects but also the celebration of a shared vision for transformative collaboration in research and innovation.
Astrocent expresses its gratitude to our partners — Laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie (APC), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Paris Cité (UPC), Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Centrum Lukasiewicz (LC), Arthur B. McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute (MI) — for building this project with us, and to everyone who supported us on this momentous day.
We also offer our warmest congratulations and best wishes to our fellow projects, TRIO-VI CoE and P4Health, and express our deep appreciation to all the organizers whose hard work and dedication made this incredible event possible.
We look forward to continuing this exciting journey together and keeping you updated as these initiatives evolve and inspire.

PHOTO GALLERY (ICHF PAN / Krzysztof Ścisło)