Financing institution: European Research Executive Agency (REA)
Project title: Astrocent Plus – Particle Astrophysics Science and Technology Centre
Leader: Prof. Leszek Roszkowski
Total budget: 15 M Euro
Duration: 72 months
Financing institution: National Science Centre
Project title: Understanding delayed (spurious) emission mechanisms in dual-phase TPCs for Dark Matter searches
Leader: Dr. Andre Filipe Ventura Cortez
Total budget: 1 223 600,00 PLN
Duration: 36 months
Financing institution: National Science Centre
Project title: Development of the Most Sensitive Dark Matter Detector with Liquid Argon
Leader: Dr. Masayuki Wada
Total budget: 2 852 105,00 PLN
Duration: 36 months
Financing institution: National Science Centre
Project title: Search for dark matter with liquid argon detectors
Leader: Prof. Marcin Kuźniak
Total budget: 2,151,300.00 PLN
Duration: 36 months
Financing institution: National Science Centre
Project title: Detection and denoising of Gravitational Wave sources in Einstein Telescope using deep learning
Leader: Wathela Alhassan
Total budget: 68,275.00 PLN
Duration: 12 months
Financing institution: European Research Executive Agency (REA)
Project title: STELLAR (innovative STructures for improvEd Light colLection in ARgon-based TPCs)
Leader: Dr. Andre Filipe Ventura Cortez
Total budget: 139 953.60 EUR
Duration: 24 months
Financing institution: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Project title: Hyper-Kamiokande
Leader: Dr. Marcin Ziembicki
Total budget: 8,985,964.47 PLN
Duration: 60 months
Financing institution: European Research Executive Agency (REA)
Project title: PROBES
Leader: Prof. Leszek Roszkowski
Duration: 48 months
Financing institution: National Science Centre
Project title: Determining the sensitivity of the ARGO, DarkSide-20k, and DEAP-3600 experiments to supermassive charged gravitinos (Wyznaczenie czułości eksperymentów ARGO, DarkSide-20k, i DEAP-3600 na supermasywne naładowane grawitina)
Leader: Dr Michał Olszewski
Total budget: 47 300,00 PLN
Duration: 12 months
Financing institution: Foundation for Polish Science
Project title: AstroCeNT: Particle Astrophysics Science and Technology Centre
Leader: Prof. Leszek Roszkowski
Total budget: 38 000 000,00 PLN
Duration: 36 months
Financing institution: Research Executive Agency (REA)
Project title: Novel technologies for dark matter search and frontier astroparticle physics experiments – DarkWave
Leader: Prof. Marcin Kuźniak
Total budget: 879 812.50 EUR
Duration: 36 months
Financing institution: National Science Centre
Project title: Development of the concept of a new type of GEM detector for dark matter and neutrino research (Rozwój koncepcji nowego rodzaju detektora typu GEM do badań nad ciemną materią i neutrinami)
Leader: Prof. Marcin Kuźniak
Total budget: 47 850.00 PLN
Duration: 12 months
Financing institution: National Science Centre
Project title: Methods of reconstructing signals from seismic detector networks (Metody rekonstrukcji sygnałów z siecie detektorów sejsmicznych)
Leader: Dr Marek Cieślar
Total budget: 48 048.00 PLN
Duration: 12 months
Financing institution: National Science Centre
Project title: Environmental acoustic interference studies using an infrasound microphone array (Środowiskowe badania zakłóceń akustycznych za pomocą matrycy mikrofonów infradźwiękowych)
Leader: Dr Mariusz Suchenek
Total budget: 49 742.00 PLN
Duration: 12 months