In early December 2022, an AstroCeNT delegation (group leaders, postdocs, PhD students and administration) traveled to Paris to attend the annual meeting with the Laboratoire Astroparticule & Cosmologie, a scientific partner of the AstroCeNT.
For the past two years, meetings of the two institutions have been held remotely due to Сovid-19 restrictions. This year we managed to get together in large numbers and meet in person.
The APC is one of the governing bodies of AstroCeNT. It was founded in January 2005 in Paris and brings together about 75 permanent researchers and about 50 engineers, technicians and administrative staff. The laboratory is funded by Paris Diderot University, the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (represented by three of its Institutes: mainly IN2P3, but also INSU and INP), the Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, and the Paris Observatory. APC researchers (experimentalists, theorists and observers) work in different areas including high-energy astrophysics, cosmology, gravitation, and neutrino physics.

This year meeting was dedicated to two main topics:
– last year achievements, future goals and research plans of AstroCeNT and APC;
– prospects for future collaboration and grant applications.
During the meeting, 15 reports on the progress of the working groups and ongoing projects were presented.
An important element of the meeting was the discussion of the most promising areas for seeking funding in the European Union, which was attended by the APC project manager and AstroCeNT administration.
Travel of our scientists to Paris was supported by DarkWave and COPIN grants.