The Managing Director of the McDonald Institute (Arthur B. McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute), Fouad Elgindy, is going to visit Astrocent in late May. He will come to discuss prospects for collaboration with Astrocent, including student exchange and other joint projects. He will also take part in special session devoted to Astrocent at the conference “Particle Astrophysics in Poland” (20-21 May 2019) that Astrocent is one of the two main organizers of. For more information about the conference see here.

The McDonald Institute is the Canadian hub for astroparticle physics research, uniting researchers, theorists, and technical experts within one organization. In 2016, the institute was awarded $63.7 million through the Canada First Research Excellence Fund. This award enabled the McDonald Institute, strongly benefiting from the unique SNOLAB facility, to deliver a world-leading scientific program in astroparticle physics while engaging industrial partners, scientists, students and the general public.
Prior to joining the McDonald Institute, Mr. Fouad was a Senior Program Manager of the flagship Government of Canada Networks Centres of Excellence (NCE) program. In this role, he led the development of high profile bilateral international initiatives between Canada and India and recreated a unique business-focused collaborative research program affecting aerospace, mining, manufacturing, and health industries.