Astrocent contributes to international project to fight COVID-19 pandemics

In response to urgent need for affordable and mass-produced novel ventilator to use as medical equipment for COVID-19 patients, Astrocent researchers are  taking active part in an international Mechanical Ventilator Milano (MVM) project led by Prof. Art McDonald (Queens U, 2015 Nobel laureate in Physics) and Prof. Cristiano Galbiati (Princeton and GSSI), the spokesperson of the dark matter search collaboration DarkSide. In order  for the ventilator to receive medical certifications, most notably one from FDA of the USA, it is mandatory to perform a number of  tests to ensure and demonstrate that the MVM works properly. Astrocent’s team leaders Mariusz Suchenek and Masayuki Wada, along with their collaborators, have engaged in several tasks, including  an analysis of data with a breathing simulator, software development and final tests of the ventilator. A final technical design has been completed and preparations are underway to have the details of the device, along with complete technical documentation, to be released to the public square.