Seismic Sensors group activity

The seismic sensors group (led by Prof. Tomasz Bulik) activities revolve mainly around the gravitational waves theme of the Astrocent project. A detection of gravitational waves in 2015 was a great achievement and led to the opening of gravitational wave astronomy. The advancement of this new branch of particle astrophysics hinges on development and improvement of detectors. The quality of the data is related to monitoring and compensating for a variety of sources of noise. The seismic noise, apart from shaking the test masses in the interferometers, is also a source of the Newtonian – or gravity gradient – noise. This type of noise is due to fluctuations of the local gravity by seismic or sound waves in the medium surrounding the detector.

Unique infrasound sensor has been developed at AstroCeNT

Group 2 led by Prof. Bulik and group 3 led by Dr. Suchenk have developed  a unique infrasound sensor. It will find its application both in cutting-edge scientific research and commercial projects.
“While most commercial solutions are very expensive, we have managed to significantly reduce the cost of such a solution, which is crucial in applications where tens or even hundreds of precise sensors are needed.”

AstroCeNT group leaders about 2020

“We have learned how to use new tools and how manage our work in this difficult year. Now we look into the future.
We have ambitious plans: we want to be able to predict the shape of gravitational wave signals; we want to understand the seismic noise impacting gravitational wave detectors; we want to develop quantum machine learning techniques for space observations.
We will look for ambitious PhD students willing to help us in these scientific endeavors.
We hope that 2021 will be a good year for science – the one we do out of pure curiosity and the one that makes our lives better”.