4th biennial conference of Particle Astrophysics in Poland
The 4th biennial conference of Particle Astrophysics in Poland was held on 20-21 May 2019 at the Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management of Warsaw University of Technology (CZIiTT). Organized jointly by AstroCeNT and members of the Particle Theory Group at the National Centre for Nuclear Research, the meeting brought together experimentalists and theorists from a wide range of areas of particle astrophysics and related astronomy to discuss current ideas and developments in the field, and also to mark the near completion of the first year of AstroCeNT’s activities. Talks of the conference included reviews and updates from various collaborations around the world in neutrino, gamma ray and gravitational wave astronomy. This involved reports from T2K, KM3NET, HESS, CTA, LIGO/VIRGO and many others. A poster session was also held as an opportunity for some researchers to present their work.
The meeting attracted some 80 registered participants.
In the second day of the conference a special session was held to mark the near completion of the first year of AstroCeNT and to formally announce AstroCeNT’s intention to join the international collaboration: The Global Argon Dark Matter Collaboration (GADMC), led by Prof. Art McDonald (Queen’s University, Canada) and Prof. Cristiano Galbiati (Princeton and GSSI). See more about this here.