Quantum computation, machine learning, Earth observations
Piotr Gawron is an applied computer scientist, leader of the Scientific Computing and Information Technology group at AstroCeNT.
He graduated in 2003 from the Faculty Of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science of the Silesian University of Technology, and then obtained PhD in 2008 at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences where he was employed from 2001 to 2019 in Quantum Systems of Informatics group. His PhD thesis concerned quantum programming languages and their applications for quantum walks and quantum games. In the years 2007—2015 he intensively collaborated on restricted numerical ranges and shadows of matrices with Prof. Karol Życzkowski from the Jagiellonian University. He obtained a habilitation degree from his Alma Mater in 2014 on the basis of the dissertation “Influence of the environment on quantum information processes”. He participated in several research and development projects concerning image processing and energy usage profiling and prediction implemented with industrial partners. He is active in scientific outreach in the area of quantum computation and information. He was a supervisor of two PhD candidates.
The scientific interests of Piotr Gawron concentrate on quantum computation, quantum information theory, machine learning, tensor networks, and recently Earth observations.
He has co-authored 26 papers in refereed physics and computer science journals.
Leader of the Scientific Computing & Information Technology Group
gawron at camk.edu.pl
(+48) 22 120 18 24