Scientific trip to Sardinia

For a long time, the cornavirus pandemic did not allow our scientists to work in the field. But now this opportunity is back again.
On 12-19 September, Dr Mariusz Suchenek and Dr Josiah Ensing visited Sardinia iland. Their scientific trip was in connection with the Einstein Telescope project, a third-generation European observatory for studying gravitational waves, which will help greatly expand our knowledge of the universe.
AstroCeNT contributes to the seismological campaign site characterization in two locations close to SAR-GRAV underground laboratory. During this short visit our researchers installed a Trylium wideband seismometer and 2.5 Hz geophones. Scientists from the GSSI – Soumen Koley, Tomislav Andric, and Matteo Di Giovanni – also take part in the project.

Mariusz Suchenek:
We are characterising the site for the Einstein telescopeas it must be seismically silent. The Einstein Telescope requires the lowest possible vibration, and we expect Sardinia to be a good choice. We invite everyone who is interested in gravitational waves, as well as people interested in physics, electronics and instrumental electronics, to cooperate with us at AstroCeNT.
Photos by: Josiah Ensing and Matteo Di Giovanni