InIn June and July 2023, our PhD student Clea Sunny spent a very intensive time in Italy. Her scientific travel was divided into three parts, each of which contributed to her growth as a researcher and the development of international cooperation.
Clea started her expedition by attending the DarkSide collaboration meeting in Assergi, L’Aquila. The meeting, which took place from June 12 to 16, brought together various speakers, including Clea’s colleagues, who presented their innovative work related to the DarkSide experiments.
From 18th June till 4th July Clea Sunny was participating in Summer School on Particle Physics in Trieste organized by the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and focused on particle physics.
During her stay at Trieste, Clea also had the opportunity to visit the ICTP Scientific Fabrication Laboratory (SciFabLab). There, she explored the world of 3D printing and laser cutting under the guidance of Prof. Fonda.
In the third part of her journey, Clea traveled from Trieste to Modica in Sicily to attend the MAYORANA School & Workshop. This event, held from 4th to 14th July, aimed to foster collaboration among young and senior researchers from nuclear, particle, and astroparticle neutrino physics. The school had a strong focus on experimental lectures, providing Clea with valuable insights into neutrinoless double beta decay, neutrino experiments, dark matter experiments, and more.
Clea actively engaged with her fellow participants and professors, exchanging ideas and knowledge. She presented her work on “Analysis of S1 Triplet Component in DarkSide-50 Dark Matter Experiment” as a poster and gave a mini talk, showcasing her research expertise. Additionally, Clea had the opportunity to learn about various experimental techniques and detectors used in neutrino physics, deepening her understanding of her own field of study.
This remarkable scientific journey was made possible thanks to the support of the AstroCeNT team and funding from DarkWave project. We look forward to Clea’s future contributions and achievements as she continues to excel in her academic and research endeavors.