DEAP-3600 collaboration meeting in Riverside

From 6 to 9 March, Yuliya Hoika and Michal Olszewski visited Riverside to participate in the DEAP-3600 collaboration meeting, hosted this time by University of California, Riverside.

DEAP-3600 is a dark matter experiment located at SNOLAB, Canada’s deep underground laboratory. It uses a 3.3-ton liquid argon target to search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), one of the leading candidates for dark matter.

Michal, who manages the experiment’s database, presented updates on its development and improvements. Additionally, he gave a talk “Planck Mass Charged Gravitino Dark Matter,” presenting research from his Miniatura project, funded by NCN, which he is conducting at Astrocent.

Yuliya, as the outreach coordinator, shared recent communication and outreach activities aimed at increasing public engagement with the project.