On 5-6th of November, the annual meeting of APC (Laboratoire Astroparticule & Cosmologie) and AstroCeNT cooperation took place.
The APC is one of the governing bodies of AstroCeNT. It was founded in January 2005 in Paris and brings together about 75 permanent researchers and about 50 engineers, technicians and administrative staff. The laboratory is funded by Paris Diderot University, the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (represented by three of its Institutes: mainly IN2P3, but also INSU and INP), the Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, and the Paris Observatory. APC researchers (experimentalists, theorists and observers) work in different areas including high-energy astrophysics, cosmology, gravitation, and neutrino physics.
As part of the APC–AstroCeNT strategic partnership, the two institutions hold annual joint cooperation meetings. This year the meeting was scheduled for the spring, but due to a health crisis, it was postponed to the beginning of November and it is held online.
The main idea of the event is to share the results of work, strengthen cooperation and, possibly, develop new directions.
During the 2-days conference, each participant presented a report on the work done and current research. Among others, the following presentations were shown:
Aspects of SiPM data analysis
Liquid argon detector R&D
Low Mass Dark Matter experiment
Seismic and infrasound activities
Dark matter theory group activity
Overview of the electronics group
Non-traditional computing in Astrocent – an overview of Scientific Computing & Information Technology Group activities
More about APC: http://www.apc.univ-paris7.fr