Mateusz Pietrzak

Fields of interest:

Analog-digital systems, embedded systems, PCB design, data processing


Mateusz Pietrzak is a PhD student at Electronics and Data Acquisition and Processing group led by dr Mariusz Suchenek. He also cooperates with the Seismic Sensors group led by prof. Tomasz Bulik.

In 2017, Mateusz graduated from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology with the title of engineer. His specialization was electronics and computer engineering. Then he did his master’s degree in the field of electronics with specialization in microsystems and electronic systems from Warsaw University of Technology in 2021.

From 2019 to till October 2021, Mateusz was working in the electrical and electronics industry as a junior electronics designer. At AstroCeNT as a technician, he works on the development of seismic sensors and VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture).

From October 2021 he started his PhD course.

Degrees and titles

Master of Science in Engineering in the field of Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology, The Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in the field of Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology, The Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology


Position in the project

PhD student in Electronics, Seismic and Environmental Sensors group


mpietrzak at

