AstroParticle Physics, Dark matter, WIMPS
Iftikhar Ahmad is a PhD Candidate at AstroCent and scholarship holder at Geoplanet Doctoral School, Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center.
After completing his Bachelor of Science in Physics, Iftikhar decided to go for Experimental Nuclear Physics, and soon, he got a prestigious Scholarship in Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Nuclear Physics. This master degree provided him basic knowledge of Nuclear Physics and enhance his skill set he needed for research.
He did his master thesis on the ReD (REcoil Directionality) project where he studied the basics of the Time Projection chamber, experimental setup and data analysis techniques. He was also involved in the hardware setup of the TPC.
Currently, he is doing his doctoral research with Dr Masayuki Wada at AstroCeNT. He is working on the silicon photomultipliers and data analysis of DarkSide-50 Experiment.
PhD Student in Particle Astrophysics Group
iftikhar at