Postdoc at AstroCeNT: Group 1 SiPM Systems for Astroparticle Physics and Medical Physics, Group 2 (Seismic Sensors), Group 3 (Electronics and Data Acquisition and Processing), Group 4 (Ultrapure SiPMs and Associated Readout Electronics), Group 5 (Scientific Computing & Information Technology Group) and Group 6 (Particle Astrophysics)

Application deadline: 15.12.2020

Link to the job offer on Euraxess

Applications are invited for 10 postdoctoral positions at AstroCeNT, a new international Center of Excellence in Particle Astrophysics in Warsaw, Poland.

Complete applications received before 15 December 2020 will receive full consideration; however, applications received after that date will be also considered until the positions are filled.

Please apply only via email – All the material should be sent to


Project title:

AstroCeNT: Particle Astrophysics Science and Technology Centre

(The project is carried out within the International Research Agendas Programme of the Foundation for Polish Science)

Astrocent ( — Particle Astrophysics Science and Technology Centre — was established on 1 July 2018 following an award of nearly 38 million PLN (nearly 9M Euro, over 10M USD) within the framework of the International Research Agendas Programme of Foundation of Polish Science, see:


Project description:

On the physics side, research at AstroCeNT is primarily focused on studies of gravitational waves and dark matter, as well as on related topics of astronomy, particle cosmology and particle physics. On the technological side, our prime objective is to specialise in R&D on ultra-sensitive instruments for low background and low count rate particle astrophysics experiments, primarily, but not exclusively, in:

  • dark matter searches, in particular modules of silicon photomultipliers, as part of DarkSide and Global Argon Dark Matter collaborations, and
  • gravitational waves, especially seismic sensors, as part of Advanced Virgo/Ligo and the Einstein Telescope collaborations.

AstroCeNT is comprised of six international research groups of physicists and engineers:

  • SiPM Systems for Astroparticle Physics and Medical Physics (leader: Dr Marcin Kuźniak);
  • Seismic Sensors (leader: Professor Tomasz Bulik);
  • Electronics and Data Acquisition and Processing (leader: Dr Mariusz Suchenek);
  • Ultrapure SiPMs and Associated Readout Electronics (leader: Dr Masayuki Wada);
  • Scientific Computing & Information Technology (leader: Professor Piotr Gawron);
  • Particle Astrophysics (leader: Professor Leszek Roszkowski).

However, it is envisaged that it will engage in other areas of the field and explore potential applications in Hi-Tech industry and medicine as well. In about two years the Centre is expected to reach the size of about 40 researchers, including group leaders, their teams, PhD students and visitors working in an international, English-speaking environment. The Centre is led by Professor Leszek Roszkowski.

AstroCeNT has developed close collaborative links with several institutions in Europe and outside, in particular with our strategic partner APC (Astroparticles and Cosmology Laboratory) in Paris and the McDonald institute in Canada.

AstroCeNT is conveniently located in the city centre, with easy access to rail stations and airports. It occupies a suite of spacious and modern labs and offices on top floor of a modern building, of Warsaw University of Technology. The site is also well connected with Physics Department of the University of Warsaw and the main site of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre.

AstroCeNT strongly values the diversity of candidates and is very committed to the equality of opportunity.



Astrocent Department of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences


Project leader:

Leszek Roszkowski (leader), Tomasz Bulik (co-leader)


Position on project:

Postdoc in particle astrophysics in International Research Agenda AstroCeNT: Particle Astrophysics Science and Technology Centre: Group 1 SiPM Systems for Astroparticle Physics and Medical Physics, Group 2 (Seismic Sensors), Group 3 (Electronics and Data Acquisition and Processing), Group 4 (Ultrapure SiPMs and Associated Readout Electronics),  Group 5 (Scientific Computing & Information Technology Group) and Group 6 (Particle Astrophysics)


Scientific disciplines:

Dark matter, gravitational wave studies; experiment; seismic sensors, infra sound sensors; data acquisition and analysis; electronics; computer science: quantum computation, machine learning, signal processing; high vacuum technology; instrumentation technology


Job type:

employment contract


Remuneration/stipend amount/month:

12,000.00 PLN of gross salary (expected net salary: about 8,750.00 PLN)


Position starts on: 1.02.2021 (negotiable)


Maximum period of contract/stipend agreement:

2 years, extendable until the end of the Project (2023)


Key responsibilities include:

  1. actively participating in the research program at AstroCeNT;
  2. active cooperation with other research teams at AstroCeNT;
  3. being prepared to apply for grants.


Profile of candidates/requirements:

  1. Ability to work and collaborate in research teams in a competitive environment;
  2. strong track record of past research;
  3. potential to attract grant funding.


Required documents:

  1. Curriculum Vitae;
  2. statement of research interests;
  3. publication list;
  4. photocopy of PhD diploma;
  5. copy of PhD thesis (if not confidential);
  6. at least two, preferably three, letters of reference;
  7. scan of signed GDPD form (available from

We offer:

  1. stimulating, international, English speaking research environment in a new centre of excellence;
  2. possibility to develop front-line research in gravitational waves and dark matter in collaboration with the other teams of AstroCeNT and with our strategic partner APC;
  3. funding for research, travel and basic equipment;
  4. scientific, organizational and technical support, including standard research facilities.

Please submit the following documents to:

Project leader:

Leszek Roszkowski (leader), Tomasz Bulik (co-leader)


More information can be obtained from:

Dr. Marcin Kuźniak (

Prof. Tomasz Bulik (,

Dr. Mariusz Suchenek ( and

Dr. Masayuki Wada (

Prof. Piotr Gawron (

Prof. Leszek Roszkowski (