Post-doc position in Astroparticle Physics (OPUS)

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences (NCAC PAS).  The successful applicant will work with Prof. Marcin Kuźniak on the project “Search for dark matter with liquid argon detectors “, funded by the Polish National Science Center (NCN), through grant OPUS-24 nr 2022/47/B/ST2/02015.


The successful candidate will actively participate in the construction of the DarkSide-20k detector and in the DEAP-3600 data analysis, as well as in simulation and analysis of data from tests and prototype experiments.

The primary responsibilities will be: 1. Supervision of analysis of data from the DEAP-3600 experiment, including cross-checks and validation of analysis results 2. Development and optimization of the Monte Carlo simulation of the DarkSide-20k detector 3. Participation in the installation of the DarkSide-20k detector at LNGS 4. Preparatory work and tests of hardware components to be installed in the detector.

The position will be based in Warsaw, Poland, and may involve occasional travel to and longer stays at LNGS underground laboratory in Italy or SNOLAB.

We look for applicants able to work in a team, with experience in programming in Geant4, ROOT and Python. Experience with data acquisition and hardware development (including cryogenic and vacuum techniques, electronics) will also be considered an asset.

We are seeking applicants that received their Ph.D. in experimental particle or nuclear physics or related fields within the past 5 years. Candidates approaching their Ph.D. defense are also invited to apply (Ph.D. title will be required to start the employment).


The successful candidate is expected to start his/her employment on 1 January 2024. The position is initially awarded for 2 years, with a possibility of extension. The salary will be commensurate to that of Polish researchers at the same career stage, around PLN 9.400 gross per month.


Documents (in pdf format) should be submitted by e-mail, with a subject “OPUS Post-doc position in Astroparticle Physics”, to and they must include:

– a copy of the PhD diploma;

– CV including the list of publications;

– resume with statement of research interests and plans;

– a scan of the signed NCN GDPR document available here;

– applicants should arrange for two recommendation letters to be sent directly to the same e-mail address.


Application deadline: 14 November 2023. The review of the applications will begin soon after this date and short-listed candidates will be invited for interviews.

The candidates will be informed about the selection results by 17 November 2023.


The selection criteria include:

1.the candidate’s research achievements including publications in prestigious academic press /journals (50% of the final score);

2.research-related achievements, scholarships, awards and research experience gained in Poland or abroad, research workshops and training courses, participation in research projects (20% of the final score);

3.the candidate’s competence to carry out specific tasks in the research project (30% of the final score).


For additional information, please contact Marcin Kuźniak (e-mail: